Bertrand Chiado, a livraria mais antiga do mundo Lisboa Secreta
How to Get to the Bertrand Bookstore. The Bertrand bookstore is down the street from the Baixa-Chiado metro station (on the blue or green line -- exit to the Chiado side). You may ride the metro (as well as the city's trams, buses, funiculars and trains) for free with the Lisboa Card. Rua Garrett, 73-75, Chiado. Attractions Nearby

A Bertrand do Chiado é a livraria mais antiga do mundo ncultura
A Bertrand é a mais antiga e maior rede de livrarias em Portugal, com mais de 50 livrarias em todo o país. Saiba onde nos pode encontrar. Esperamos por si.. Livraria Bertrand - Chiado. Rua Garrett, 73-75. 1200 203 LISBOA. Tel: 210305590. Fale com o seu livreiro. 2.ª a 5.ª feira: 09h00 - 22h00. 6.ª feira: 09h00 - 22h00.

Bertrand Chiado, a livraria mais antiga do mundo Lisboa Secreta
It has changed hands and locations several times and has been renamed 11 different things. But for 285 years, the Livraria Bertrand, as it is known today, has served Lisbon's bibliophiles and.

Livraria Bertrand Chiado der älteste Buchladen der Welt We Heart Lisbon
Entrar na Livraria Bertrand do Chiado e percorrer as suas sete salas é percorrer uma parte da História e da literatura portuguesas. Reconhecida pelo Guinness World Records em 2011 como a livraria mais antiga do mundo em funcionamento, a Bertrand do Chiado faz jus ao mote "a antiguidade é um posto", pois efetivamente já vende livros desde 1732.

Livraria Bertrand do Chiado
Livraria Bertrand - Chiado, established in 1732, is the oldest bookstore in the world. This place has a total of 7 rooms; 6 filled with books and 1 with a ca.

Livraria Bertrand Chiado the world's oldest bookstore We Heart Lisbon
Livraria Bertrand is a Portuguese book retailer operating 59 branches nationwide, including 2 in Madeira. Founded in 1732, its original store in the Chiado neighborhood of Lisbon was declared to be the oldest operating bookstore in the world by the Guinness Book of World Records in 2011. [1] Bertrand has been frequented by numerous famous.

Bertrand Chiado, a livraria mais antiga do mundo Lisboa Secreta
Livraria Bertrand Chiado - As we wander through the charming streets of Chiado, we stumble upon Livraria Bertrand, the oldest bookstore in the world still in operation. Established in 1732, this literary institution has witnessed centuries of readers and writers passing through its doors. With its elegant interior and extensive selection of.

Livraria Bertrand do Chiado
A Bertrand é a maior rede de livrarias de Portugal. De norte a sul do país, procuramos estar sempre perto de si. Na Bertrand online, para além de todos os livros portugueses, encontra edições estrangeiras e eBooks.

Bertrand do Chiado, a livraria mais antiga do mundo BeSisluxe
Livraria Bertrand Chiado, Lisbon, Portugal. 2,940 likes · 3 talking about this · 364 were here. 퐒퐈퐍퐂퐄 ퟏퟕퟑퟐ. A livraria mais antiga do mundo em funcionamento. The oldest operating bookshop.

Livraria Bertrand Chiado the world's oldest bookstore We Heart Lisbon
A post shared by Livraria Bertrand Chiado (@livrariabertrandchiado) The bookstore suffered severe damages in the earthquake of 1755 and relocated for some time. But returned to its present.

Bertrand do Chiado, a livraria mais antiga do mundo BeSisluxe
The Livraria Bertrand is the world's oldest bookshop still in operation. It was founded by Pedro Faure in 1732 at an address close to the present location. Faure teamed up with Pierre Bertrand in 1742. In order to guarantee that the firm remained in family hands, Faure marred one of Bertrand's daughters. The bookshop was forced to move to a.

Bertrand Chiado, a livraria mais antiga do mundo Lisboa Secreta
Livraria Bertrand is located in Chiado, within walking distance of many other fun things to do in Lisbon. You can easily combine visiting Livraria Bertrand with visiting attractions like the Carmo Convent, the Church of São Roque, Café A Brasileira, and the Santa Justa Lift. Address of Livraria Bertrand (Original Location)

Livraria Bertrand do Chiado
The Bertrand bookstore opened in Portugal in 1732, in Chiado and has held, since April 2010, the Guinness World Record for oldest bookstore still in activity.. Many great figures of Portuguese history used this space to talk literature. More than a bookstore, it has gained reputation as a privileged spot for "tertulia", functioning almost as a book club.

Bertrand do Chiado, a livraria mais antiga do mundo BeSisluxe
Today, Livraria Bertrand is a chain with 50 branches throughout Portugal. Old and big. Livraria Bertrand Chiado is not only old, it's also very big. The bookshop has several rooms named after Portuguese authors, with bookcases dedicated to their work. There is a long corridor through the bookstore, up to Fernando Pessoa's room.

Livraria Bertrand do Chiado
Livraria Bertrand (Chiado) (+351) 21 030 5590. Rua Garrett 73/75. 1200-203 Lisboa. É a mais antiga livraria do mundo em funcionamento. Foi fundada por Pedro Faure, em 1732, numa morada próxima. Em 1742, associou-se a Pierre Bertrand. Para assegurar a sucessão, casou uma das filhas com Bertrand. Com o terramoto de 1755, a livraria vê-se.
Exterior Of Livraria Bertrand Bookstore Chiado HighRes Stock Photo Getty Images
History of Livraria Bertrand in Lisbon. The Bertrand Bookstore in Lisbon was officially opened to the Portuguese public back in 1732. If you do that math you'll realize that this bookstore has been in business for almost 300 years. Where the store is located now, west of the Alfama in Chiado, is not actually the original location.